AFTERSCHOOL: Who, Where, When, & How Much?
Who: 2nd - 5th graders
Where: After School will be held in the great outdoors of East Harlem with workshops and activities in Jefferson and Washington Houses, local parks, and on city streets.
Children will meet at their host organization.
When: Varies By Partnering Agency
How much: Every child and family must follow the code of conduct in exchange for one child after school slot.
OLA-Kids: What?
Activities May Include:
Note 1: If your child does not know how to ride a bicycle, your child will learn how to ride here.
Note 2: Please do not send personal bikes or scooters to the program. All gear will be provided.
OLA-Kids: Why?
Children Will Build Their:
Build skills in:
Varies by Site.
Note 1: If you have previously enrolled online, use your login and password HERE to apply for this program. If you lost your password, click "what's my password?" to receive a reset email.
Note 2: If you have never enrolled online, click the APPLY button below. You will receive an email once you register with your login and password.
Note 3: Make sure to click "Save" on each page so that your information is retained. You can save, log out, gather more information, and return to your saved application.
Note 4: Applications do not guarantee entry. If you removed your child or your child was suspended from the program, your child may not re-apply for one full year.
Note 5: If you need help completing this application, please email or call our office at 646.869.1503.

Selection Process For OLA-Kids
Still have questions? Please email for more information with the subject heading: "OLA-Kids: Application." You may also phone us at 646.869.1503.
44% of OLA-Kids demonstrate improvement in social-emotional skills compared to non-participants
21% of OLA-Kids perform better in math and science classes than non-participants.
13% of OLA-Kids have fewer school absences than non-participants. East Harlem children have some of the highest absenteeism in NYC.