Concrete Safaris' Outdoor Leadership Academy - Youth is a 6-12-week, summer or school year internship program for 14-24-year-olds. Younger Youth, ages 14-15, complete experiential education in one of four cohorts -- gardening, outdoor play, photo, and placemaking. Older Youth, ages 16-24, work in various cohorts, including gardening, landscaping, outdoor play, placemaking, photography, evaluation, health promotion, or nonprofit management. The goals are to expose youth to environmental health employment opportunities, develop their leadership skills through career readiness or professional development workshops, involve them in leading people of all ages in healthy activities, and engage our community in healthy events.


The 2025 Application Deadline for OLA-SYEP was 3/14/2025.

If you applied and are selected by NYC's lottery, you will receive an email to the address you listed in your account. Make sure to check that email so that you meet any future deadlines. If you missed the deadline, your next chance to apply will be Winter 2026.

2017: Named "the world's best summer job" by The New York Times' Sunday Metropolitan section.

2019: OLA-SYEP Interns were featured on NY1.



    • To be considered, you must apply for NYC City-Wide Lottery.
    • 14-15-year-olds, select Concrete Safaris Inc. as your Provider

14-15-year-olds will be accepted by lottery for this summer's program, which will run from July - August. Cohorts will include Gardening, Outdoor Play, Placemaking, and Photography through Concrete Safaris' Outdoor Leadership Academy - Summer Youth Employment Program.

Youth will be selected through the citywide SYEP lottery, and will participate in virtual and in-person learning opportunities. Please note that all participants will be required to attend in-person workshops at least three days per week. All participants will organize and lead activities celebrating our annual Transformation Week during the second week of August.

Youth will be referred for health and lifestyle services, as requested, and develop soft and hard professional skills and financial and environmental health literacy. They will visit companies and/or government agencies in person to practice interviewing, improve their resumes, and learn about the world of work. There will be an active family engagement component, too.


Younger Youth (ages 14-15) will receive up to $700 for up to 12.5 hours/week of experiential education over 6 weeks.

Site visits to companies and government agencies in the fields of healthcare, food services, construction, media, business/professional

Weekly meetings for team and skill building, work-readiness training, and oral and written reflection

Resume development and review for future employers

Graduates connected to alumni network of youth pursuing their best lives from diverse backgrounds and experiences

Important Dates & Onboarding Information

Participation requires that you are selected by the Lottery run by NYC DYCD. We do not have control over the Lottery.

Input an email address into your application that is one you check regularly. Make sure you do not miss the deadline for submitting required documents if selected by the Lottery.

Every participant of all ages MUST complete orientation prior to participation.

Younger Youth (ages 14-15) must complete Hats & Ladders (digital) and in-person orientation prior to participation.

Younger Youth (ages 14-15) will participate from 7/7 - 8/16/25.

Selection Process

Must be 14-24-year-olds, depending on the program for which you are applying

OLA-SYEP selection is by lottery ONLY by the City of New York

Be a resident of NYC

Have an interest in learning

Open to getting to the next level of your professional and educational development

Ability to be present in Jefferson, Washington, and/or Carver Houses and on East Harlem streets

Our Impact


OLA Interns per year


Internship Hours
For 14-15-Year-Olds in OLA-SYEP 

Up to


In Stipends or Wages Earned Per Year 

By 14+ Yr Olds (Supplementing household incomes)


children and families outdoors and active per year in events led by OLA Interns

100% of interns said that they took away one or more valuable job skills sought by employers

87.5% of interns said they used or improved on at least 2 job skills (professionalism/ work ethic, and communication) sought after by employers in the professional realm.

100% of interns felt valued throughout their internship and felt as if they played an important role.

93.75% of interns felt like they observed or were a part of a full range of operations and learning opportunities.

87.5% of interns said that this internship enhanced their self- understanding and professional development in important ways.

100% of interns said that they took away one or more valuable job skills sought by employers

87.5% of interns said they used or improved on at least 2 job skills (professionalism/ work ethic, and communication)sought after by employers in the professional realm.

Build skills in:


Critical Thinking










Civic engagement




I learned about energy snd green environmental work. Also worked with people and helped community to make food and clean parks. i feel grateful for the opportunity. 



My time at this program shown me a lot and I would 100% do this again and recommend my friends. The materials were simple but filled with knowledge.



I really liked being part of this company and listening to the opinions of others, experimenting and new connections. I felt comfortable working in the gardens.  The supervisors in the garden divert me from doing a good job..



We learned a lot of useful tips that help us know how to save energy by using flight bulbs instead if incandescent ones. this was one of the tips that changed my life. in this program i was able to learn many different things with the environment.



I think collaboration is key; all of this can't be done by one person… There are valuable lessons to be learned by collaborating. It's an attraction, it makes the community happy to see that they live in a healthy environment. We are doing work but it is fun.


“Interning in the health promotion cohort this summer I learned that urban is a much larger term with many different categories to the urban community. There are so many types of people and many different problems, and experiences that we don't see everyday. Every community has a unique story and every problem has a unique solution.”


 - Phoenix, OLA-SYEP Intern 


“The most valuable skill I have learned would be learning how to water and care for green space. I’ve always wanted to have my own garden space in my home, and while I can plant, maintenance and upkeep always seemed hard. I now know when and how to properly care for my own garden. I’ve always had respect for my home, but now that I’ve worked to maintain part of it, I notice the effort that goes into taking care of a place. I notice more beautification around the community now."


 - Jayden, OLA-SYEP Intern