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Walk or run this outdoor fundraising event on Randall's Island so kids and youth can build outdoor leadership skills and experiences all year round.

Fundraising Toolkit

Throw A Party

Host a dinner party and ask each guest to donate

Bowling Night

Game Night


Chat Up Your Colleagues

Get an employer matching gift

Philanthropy, HR, Departments, & Affinity Groups may have funds allocated for charities... ASK, and direct decision-makers to your fundraising page!

Invite your colleagues to start or join a Squad of their own. Teambuilding is important for performance!

Use Your Words

Send a personal email to your family and friends with a personal story about why you are supporting the youth-led outdoor initiatives in East Harlem, what their donation will support, and a direct link to your fundraising page

Post the fundraising link to personal and professional social media accounts

Add a link to the fundraising page to your email signature

Take Small Steps Towards Your Goal

Break down the total amount you want to raise into weekly or monthly goals rather than giving it a long-term deadline. For example, raise a tenth of the total amount in a week. This will ensure you’re on track or even exceeding the total fundraising amount you hope to raise.